Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday May 24....

It's Tuesday morning and I just feel drained. I didn't sleep good all weekend and have the weirdest nauseous spells. It's horrible. I start making my self worry when I don't feel "Pregnant". It scares me. Even though I know my little sweet pea is in there it's like I want to feel sick all the time just to know you are fine. Your aunt's tell me not to worry but they both know its hard.
The more time goes on, the more excited I get. Just the thought of seeing you and holding you makes me smile.
I have been more emotional lately. I watch TV and start crying...haha! I know, it's funny but this pregnancy thing sure does take a toll on you. I am counting down the days to the 13th of June when I can hear your heartbeat inside of me again. I know your daddy is so excited. He wont let me clean house or do anything. It's a plus don't take me wrong but with the 2 dogs (your brothers) you will meet its hard not to want to clean the house.
I keep looking at baby bedding for your room. I am so convinced you are a baby boy. But we will have to see.
Anyways, I love you already sweet pea.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday May 16....

Driving back from a weekend getaway, much needed by the way, we know we are going to see the doctor at 2:30pm. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I sleep most of the way back so I don't have to think about it. We go home to drop off our bags and to pick up little man from Grandma's. It's now 1:20pm....we are headed to Conroe to pick up your Aunt Lis and cousin Izzy. We arrive at the doctor's office at 2:00pm....and I feel like i can hear every clock in the room ticking. I fill out all of the paperwork and have to go the bathroom so bad. They tell me to pee in a cup which I hate but guess what no mess this time...Haha! I come back out and sit by daddy. "Jacqueline" is all I hear next. They walk me back to the Ultrasound room. I lay on the table and see your little sweet pea self on the monitor. I cant believe it. She says to me, "You see that flutter. That is the heart beat do you want to hear it?" I hear you and its amazing...although I get caught up emotionally until she says that is the baby there and I am confused because you are so tiny...But I find you.
I have never been so excited in my life. Just knowing you are inside of me makes me anxious and happy.I cant help but touch my stomach all the time knowing you are in there. I can not wait to meet you sweet pea. I love you already.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday (Mother's Day) May 8....

Over the weekend I decide I probably shouldn't tell allot of ppl...but you know how that this time your grandma, my boss and Pita know.
I walk into your grandparent's house and I'm not sure how to tell my dad. Your Aunt's and Uncle are there and they are all giving me that weird look. You know the tell him now I want to be here look. I'm so nervous because I don't know how he will react. Aunt Boo and Uncle Oski leave to get ready. So I just blurt it out like pulling off a band aid. "Dad, I'm PREGNANT!" he says whatever...I say no really dad. I hear Congratulations....I think we are all in shock right now...Ha ha!
Now telling your Daddy's parent's is a different story. Your daddy was already on cloud 9 so he calls his mom right in front of me asks that his dad join us on the porch and he says "Are ya'll ready to be grandparents?" Talk about being happy...I don't think I have heard Awesome and OMG so much in my life.
I feel so tired already and it feels like as soon as I found out you were in there all I want to do is sleep.

Friday May 6th....

3:30p comes around and I'm finally off for the weekend. I rush home realizing I havent bought a gift for the wedding I will be attending at 8:30p. I think a gift card will be perfect so I rush to Walgreens on 3083. While I'm there I start to remember that I am 2 days late for my monthly friend. So I pick up a bottle of Fiji water and a pregnancy test that is on sale. I mean $3 who can beat that. So I pay for my items get in my truck and head home. I arrive and start to get a little nervous but I let my baby boy's out and head for the bathroom. I sit on the pot...pee on the stick...and not 1 minute later I get the POSITIVE. I yell "What the F***". I say to myself , self, no freaking way this is happening right now. So I grab the second test and I pee on the stick again and Woah! POSITIVE! I have to get ready for this wedding. I let the boy's in and run upstairs and text my SIL Brandy...Can you pleae come to my house dont ask just get here! I jump in the shower and I hear B arrive. I open the door for her...and hand her the test. Congratulations she says! Believe me I'm happy but in complete shock seeings as Im planning my wedding also. So we go upstairs and start doing the math...and I text message my baby daddy...Haha...I send him a picture of the test and he write's back "so what does that mean?" Needless to say Daddy is on cloud 9 right now!
They say things happen for a reason and well like I have said before I believe that...After 4 months of really trying we get lucky when we least expect it. I am excited and anxious for all of this to get started.
I feel pains in my back and I cant sleep at night but I know that in the end when Im holding my sweet pea this would have all been worth it.