Monday, May 9, 2011

Friday May 6th....

3:30p comes around and I'm finally off for the weekend. I rush home realizing I havent bought a gift for the wedding I will be attending at 8:30p. I think a gift card will be perfect so I rush to Walgreens on 3083. While I'm there I start to remember that I am 2 days late for my monthly friend. So I pick up a bottle of Fiji water and a pregnancy test that is on sale. I mean $3 who can beat that. So I pay for my items get in my truck and head home. I arrive and start to get a little nervous but I let my baby boy's out and head for the bathroom. I sit on the pot...pee on the stick...and not 1 minute later I get the POSITIVE. I yell "What the F***". I say to myself , self, no freaking way this is happening right now. So I grab the second test and I pee on the stick again and Woah! POSITIVE! I have to get ready for this wedding. I let the boy's in and run upstairs and text my SIL Brandy...Can you pleae come to my house dont ask just get here! I jump in the shower and I hear B arrive. I open the door for her...and hand her the test. Congratulations she says! Believe me I'm happy but in complete shock seeings as Im planning my wedding also. So we go upstairs and start doing the math...and I text message my baby daddy...Haha...I send him a picture of the test and he write's back "so what does that mean?" Needless to say Daddy is on cloud 9 right now!
They say things happen for a reason and well like I have said before I believe that...After 4 months of really trying we get lucky when we least expect it. I am excited and anxious for all of this to get started.
I feel pains in my back and I cant sleep at night but I know that in the end when Im holding my sweet pea this would have all been worth it.


Mrs. Brandy De La Cruz said...

Aww...I just started to cry. Egh-Im not pregnant why am I emotional?! Because You are my best friend and I can't wait for you to experience such a wonderful thing in life and to make it better I will be by your side every step. Congrats and I love you and already Love lil sweet pea!!!!!!!

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